We're at
1747 Plymouth Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

between Jets Pizza and No Thai
in the front (Plymouth Rd) side of Courtyard Shops.

Tuesday thru Friday - Noon to 6pm
Saturday - Noon to 5pm
Closed Sunday & Monday

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FEBRUARY 2025 AAWC Wine Sale

Online orders closed
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Pickups begin
Tuesday, March 04, 2025


This is at least the second straight year that
Veritas Distributors has followed up its annual
January Wines of Portugal and Spain sale with a
February sale featuring selections from its
extensive range of wines from Greece and Italy.
We've cherry picked almost fifty that
we've recently tasted and enjoyed.
In addition to reduced 'regular' prices, our
'specials' discounts offer further savings.

Order Deadline
Thursday, February 27 by NOON

Subject to availability

1-5 bottles assorted or same - 10% discount
6+ bottles assorted or same - 12% discount


The highly rated 2022 Bordeaux wines
are continuing to arrive in our market.
We continue this ongoing feature with
35 more selections
of the best newly available.
As more arrive, they will be added.
Demand is high, and there will be inevitable sell-outs.
There have been a lot of good Bordeaux vintages lately,
few of the exceptional quality of 2022.

Sale is ongoing with regular updates
Subject to availability

1-5 bottles assorted or same - 10% discount
6+ bottles assorted or same - 12% discount


updated 02-22-25

Stock wines are listed and available from the
Stock Lists Annotated page

** END of BIN SALE Wines **
updated 02-22-25
EOB Stock wines are presented in the dedicated
End Of Bin Sale list

EOB wines are marked in the store with a
white discount sticker and an orange/red 20% sticker
20% taken off at the register

Nota Bene:
Online shoppers: Stock Lists are up to date, and we're taking orders!
In Store shoppers: it is in everyone's best interest to wear a good mask.

Click on THE SHOP for regular features.

Wednesday Group Tasting Notes
(From ongoing tastings Every Wednesday last 50 years)
Notes are integrated into the Stock Lists Annotated page

(a "*" next to the Rating indicates it's been judged by the Group)

Or use the 'Search' feature to look for references like
'Attendees Favorites' or 'Enjoyed by the Group' in the notes

A new list with Early Bird Discount
is normally forthcoming after Wine Club tastings.

Curbside Pickups
Pickup can be arranged for Pre-Paid and Wine Club orders.
For non-Wine Club orders, we'll call or email when it's ready.
Call us 734-995-1818 or 734-395-0035 when you arrive at the parking lot,
identify yourself, your car, position in the lot and
open your "trunk" to receive the booty.

SAME DAY pickup is limited to stock on hand.
Most efficient method is to ORDER ONLINE.
For Liquor items we do NOT list online,
add them to your comments section during online checkout.

Village Corner Email Updates and other publications
Send us your information and Sally will send you occasional messages,
with a subject line beginning VC-Update to keep you abreast of villagecorner.com.

We currently average one message each week or so.
You will also be added to our TG-AAWC list for samples of our clubs newsletters
containing announcement of current TG events and the Ann Arbor Wine Club sale.
If you like what you see, we hope you'll join.

We do NOT sell or share our lists.
email Sally
at at Contact VC
Please add winerat@villagecorner.com with subject of [VC-Update] or [TG-AAWC]
to your Safe Sender list or Contacts list.

The Shop - End of Bin Sale, Stock Lists Annotated, Newly Available, Wednesday Group Tasting Notes, Specials & Features, Gift Certificates Clubs & Events - Events Details, Reservations, Introductions, How to Join Clubs, TG-AAWC Newsletter Shop Policies - Credit/Debit Cards, Discounts, Delivery, Shipping About Us - Directions, Wine Staff alt="Ask Us a Question"> Village Corner Gift Certificates Specialsand Featurewt? Stock Lists What's in Your Cart?